Our Paint Work
We take pride in our paint work and our focus on fit and finish. A large amount of the work we do is paint and body work. We often repair damaged hot rods, or help customers finish their projects by painting their hot rods. Jimmy Teague and Greg Zulim are our expert painters. Jimmy is known for being excellent with a paint gun and being able to shoot any color imaginable. Greg has been painting since the 70's and is also excellent with a paint gun, he loves shooting single stage colors. His signature Jimmy T paint jobs can be seen throughout California and on many drag strips. Jimmy is a race car driver during the weekends and his beautiful Nova race car has influenced many drivers and therefore we paint many race cars at Double Z. Take a look at the galleries below to view the work that we do.
Robert Chan bought this 29 roadster as a finished car. The paint and styling was not up to date so we restyled the car with new radius rods and new wheels and tires. Then we repainted the damaged areas and sprayed a fresh coat of clear on the whole car. It looks great.
This Covair was brought to us to paint and Jimmy did a beautiful job with the paint. This race car can often be seen at Fomoso.
Scott Loomis' awesome A gas Studabaker was brought to us to finish up the paint work, and the outcome is great.
Eric Bush's Camero reflects his profession, electrician.
Gill's Lincoln cabriolet was brought to us and needed a paint job. Gill picked out the color and Greg did the beautiful paintwork. Take a look.
Justin's Chevelle was in need of a lot of body work and paint. Greg shot the beautiful blue metallic and the outcome is awesome.
This wild Willys race car was in need of a fresh paint job. The old paint scheme was orange, purple, and green. Russell and Jimmy sanded the car down and painted the beautiful red that is on it today.
This El Camino came in for a quick paint job. We ended up replacing most of the bright work, bumpers and grille. The paint was applied by Jimmy T. Take a look.